Welcome to Window Savers—
DIY interior storm windows in kit form!
Window Savers cut drafts, save energy, and block outside noise. They'll make your home more comfortable, and save you money, too!
Window Savers are Plexiglas-based interior storm windows that come to you in DIY easy-to-build kits. Their appearance and performance equal the best custom-built interior storm windows available, at a quarter of the cost. An average storm window can cost hundreds of dollars, but Window Savers are the least expensive, high-quality solution available! Furthermore, Window Savers perform so well that you can expect your energy savings to pay for your Window Savers in just a season or two.
Assembly is so easy anyone can do it. No special skills or tools are needed, and the system relies on an extra-strong, extra-durable peel-and-stick adhesive (the same type used in assembling autos). It’s not sold in stores, and it’s so effective that we give it an unconditional money-back guarantee.

What will they do for me?
Most likely you will save about 30 to 50% on your heating and air conditioning bills. You will make your home or office noticeably quieter, eliminating drafts, condensation, and radiant cold. You will also greatly slow the loss of both heated and cooled air.
But your potential for savings may be even greater. As a window’s draftiness increases with age, its losses can be crippling on your annual heating and air conditioning budget. This is where Window Savers shine. They make your tired old windows work like new, cutting your energy losses more than anything else you could do—including actual window replacement.
With today’s higher energy costs, many folks recover their investment in Window Savers the first year, and everyone recovers it within two years. Then once it is paid off, you will make money every year.
How do they work?
Window Savers hold the Plexiglas magnetically. They trap “dead air” between the Plexiglas and the primary window, and in doing so, stop all drafts. This air gap cuts in half the heat transmitted through the glass. The magnetic seal around the edge stops all air leaks which can easily lose twice as much again. The ideal air gap is between 1 and 5 inches.
A key requirement in mounting Plexiglas is that it must be allowed to expand and contract. Acrylic “moves” more than most building materials, so magnetic mounts are ideal. They allow movement without breaking the seal.

How are interior storm windows better than exterior?
Exterior storms are better than none at all, but they are flawed in concept. They must be made with “weep” holes, to drain condensation to the outside. These holes are sources of drafts if the primary window also allows air to leak by. Any primary window over 10 years old is almost certainly drafty.
Exterior storm windows have other flaws. First, they often detract from the external appearance of the building. Second, they sometimes reduce the window’s effective size because their aluminum frames are wider than the primary window's frames. Third, since they are exposed to the weather, they age rapidly and their weather stripping wears out. And, finally, exterior storms are much more expensive!
Interior storm windows prevent humid room air from reaching the cold primary window, which eliminates condensation. Weep holes are eliminated, so drafts are stopped. The result is more stable temperatures and better insulation. Greater comfort, less heat loss and real savings for you, guaranteed!
How durable are Window Savers?
They’re designed to last for years and years. From the outset, durability and performance have been the center of the design policy of our interior storm window kits. Window Savers are as durable as we can make them. The chemical industry doesn’t give guarantees so we cannot make lifetime claims about our adhesives or plastics, but we offer a one-year guarantee anyway. We use extra-heavy magnets, galvanized steel, exterior-grade trim tape and acrylic adhesives, while avoiding their lower performance (and lower-cost) counterparts.
In spite of our “quality first” policy, Window Savers are still the best bargain in the storm window industry. The only way to achieve higher performance is to install triple-paned or rare-gas-filled glass in draft-free windows at much higher cost. The only way to achieve lower cost is to use one-season shrink-film kits, which are not pretty and are aggravating to use. (Most of our customers have tried these.)